Thursday, September 12, 2013

Burping and Ball-Scratching My Way to Gender Equality

Here is a VERY interesting bit about the gender dynamics of body language. This seems like a given when you think about it, but it becomes more interesting as you CONTINUE to think about it, peeling back the layers of sexism in each assumption, stereotype, and movement of your body. In essence, the movements and postures we typically identify as "feminine" are really just submissive. Conversely, "masculine" body language is really just domineering and/or empowering. However, that does NOT mean the TRULY feminine IS submissive or that the TRULY masculine IS dominant. Although female and submission are not actually synonymous, nor are male and domination, we have nonetheless conflated these two distinct realities in our bodyminds and body memories by literally acting out gender inequality each time we take a step. WOW. Trippy.

Researchers realized this when they discovered that MEN who are ordinarily "masculine" in their movements become more "feminine" when interacting with bosses or other authority figures. Of course, they are still men with the same levels of testosterone et al, but as they act out their feelings of submissiveness or inferiority in a given situation, they associate those feelings with typically "feminine" body language. Studies also revealed that the bigger your car is, the more likely you are to drive in a typically "masculine" or domineering fashion. Well, everyone who's been cut off by a giant SUV (a.k.a. everyone) already knows that.

Gender and the Body Language of Power - Sociological Images

Gender and the Body Language of Power - Jezebel

Now we can see why some men become defensive or indignant when women defy these norms by not crossing their legs, not being "ladylike," etc. Who cares, right? Well, it's because it's about more than that. They take it personally because it strikes at the very heart of their perceived superiority over half of the human population.

So, in sum, gender equality really does start one fart, burp, and curse word at a time. I've always been a firm believer in that. It's about time everyone else caught up!! :-p Take it from someone who is truly Feminine. :-)