Friday, September 13, 2013

California Finally Overturns 1872 Law Which Allowed for Rape While Impersonating the Victim's Significant Other

Good news out of California: It is now illegal to rape someone even if you are impersonating their boyfriend. I think I know what you're thinking. "What? Wasn't this already against the law?" Nope, not in California. Apparently there was still some 19th Century loophole lingering on the books that said it was illegal to rape someone if you are impersonating their husband during the rape, but if you are just impersonating their boyfriend, then it is okay. This actually led to the acquittal of a rapist who even admitted to raping the woman, but because he was impersonating her boyfriend, and because she was not married to the person the rapist was impersonating, he was innocent! Huh?? Well, in any case, it's all against the law now. Live and learn, California! Let's hope that guy does not do it again--or wait, let's hope he does, because this time he will actually be guilty. :)

California Finally Overturns Its 1872 Law Denying Justice For Unmarried Rape Victims - Think Progress