Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Female Students who were Sexually Assaulted Sue Emerson College for Civil Rights Violations

The day after an Emerson College student was raped by two assailants, one of them a fellow Emerson College student, the survivor reported the rape to the College. Their response? Don't make a big deal about it! What? Several months later, they get around to starting an investigation (as they are legally required to do under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act), and during that investigation (which of course exonerates the rapist), he rapes her again!! Okay, I'm no rocket scientist, but I DO know that this is precisely one MAJOR thing that Title IX was designed to PREVENT. THEN, the school tells the SURVIVOR (note: NOT the perp) to take a semester off!! Again, one MAJOR thing Title IX is designed to prevent is the denial of equal educational opportunities for women as a result of gender-motivated violence. Smooth move, Emerson.

Well now, thankfully, this brave survivor, along with other survivors from Emerson College, have filed a Title IX lawsuit against the school. I am glad to see more and more of these cases being filed in recent years. Maybe now there will actually be some accountability in this area.

Emerson College Told Sexual Assault Victim Not To Make Big Deal Of Attack: Complaint - Huffington Post