A female border protection agent in upstate Maine, who worked at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Coburn Gore facility near the Canadian border, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for sex discrimination after suffering years of bullying at work based on her gender. This woman's charming male supervisor allegedly made numerous comments to her about how a woman's place is in the kitchen where she'd better have dinner "hot and ready." She also made allegations of incidents of physical harassment in addition to the ongoing verbal harassment, and she claimed she was eventually terminated from her job on trumped up charges.
Well, lucky for her boss, she had a lawsuit "hot and ready" for him! And now Customs has settled the case for $285,000. Unfortunately, the nasty boss still works there, seemingly with no real consequences or repercussions (an all too common occurrence), and she is now working as a store clerk. Hopefully this money will help her get back on her feet and back into law enforcement where she wants to be.
Maine Border Protection Agent Wins Six-Figure Discrimination Settlement - mpbn.net