Monday, October 28, 2013

Companies with More Women Leaders Enjoy Higher Profits

Here's a great opinion piece by Nicholas D. Kristof in which he advocates for more women in positions of power. As his first example, he points out that the majority of tweeters on Twitter are female, yet the board of directors at Twitter is comprised of seven men and ZERO women. That's a company that is likely pretty out of touch with its own consumers. And this is an all too common occurrence. Kristof argues that equal representations of the sexes in leadership positions isn't just good for women; it's good for everyone, AND, more important to some, it's good for business. He cites some powerful facts and figures showing how companies with higher numbers of women in leadership positions have higher profits. And before you start debunking the correlation as not necessarily causative, whether the chicken came before the egg here isn't really the point. The bottom line is that these companies have something to show the rest of the corporate world--a world where still, in the 21st Century, women hold only 18% of board positions. Thanks to Mr. Kristof for this great editorial.

Twitter, Women, and Power - The New York Times